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Best Scented Candles and Home Diffures Supply


This is our blog, We will talk about scented candle, reed diffuser evrythings related to the aromatherapy world. But also lifestlyle, home decor and many other things…

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Fragranze per Ogni Ambiente delle Tua Casa!


There is no a specific rule and people put their candles where they prefer according to their taste and enviroment. We all agreed that there are some fragrances that works well when We need to relax or focus for istance.

Here is it our suggestion to what is the most suitable scent for different enviroment:

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Suggested Fragrances for different Enviroments!


There is no a specific rule and people put their candles where they prefer according to their taste and enviroment. We all agreed that there are some fragrances that works well when We need to relax or focus for istance.

Here is it our suggestion to what is the most suitable scent for different enviroment:

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I 5 motivi per scegliere una candela di soia!


candela di soia
  1. La soia e’ una risorsa rinnovabile!

    Per chi non lo sapesse la cera di soia e’ ricavata dal fagiolo della soia che viene coltivato in molte parti del mondo. A differenza della paraffina che e’ uno scarto del pertrolio ed essendo raffinata puo’ rilasciare nell’atmosfera sostanze tossiche, quasi come fanno le auto. Esistono diversi gradi di paraffina ma spesso quella usata per le candele e’ la piu’ economica ed e’ decisamente piu’ economica di altre tipologie di cera come la soia o cera d’api. E’ per questo che Ninfe Home usa solo cere di alta qualita’ e di origine vagetale per le nostre candele.

2. Dura di piu’!

Le candele di soia generalmente durano dal 20 al 30% in piu’ delle rispettive candele di paraffina. Perche’?

Semplice, la soia ha un punto di fusione inferiore, in poche parole brucia ad una temperatura inferiore e quindi piu’ lentamente. Ad esempio una nostra candela di soia da 200g puo’ durare fino a 45 ore. 20 in piu’ di una normale candela di paraffina.

3. Le candele di soia bruciano meglio!

Le candele di soia unite ad uno stoppino di qualita’ producono meno fuliggine. Questo e’ un prerequisito delle cere naturali.

4. Esalta le fragranze!

Grazie ad un punto di fusione inferiore dovuto dalla cera di soia la fragranza e’ rilasciata gradualmente. Inoltre, la maggiore presenza di cera liquida in superficie aiuto la fragranza ad evaporare meglio nel nostro ambiente.

5. Sono naturali!

Grazie ad una cera naturale le nostre candle non producno fuliggine che contiene almeno 11 tossine di cui 2 di queste possono essere tossiche par il nostri animali e per l’uomo.

Vuoi ancora comprare candele di paraffina?

Why Soy Candle? TOP 5 REASONS!


chinese soy wax candle supplier

1 _Soy wax is a renewable resource.

If you don't know soy wax is made of soy beans that gronw in many regions by farmer. On the other hand paraffin is the leftover of petroleum refining process, it can release in the atmosphere harmful sostance same as cars does.  Among the paraffinum wax there are different grade of quality but usually is much cheaper then soy wax or bee wax. Ninfe Home uses only soy wax or vegatable wax for our candle.


2_A long lasting candle.

Soy wax candle generally burn up to 40% longer than other candles.  Are you asking why?

Simple, soy wax has a lower melting point wich means the candle burn at low temperature. An example: our Ninfe home candle 200g soy wax candle can burn up to 45 hours. +20 hour of a normal paraffinum candle.

3_Soy Candle Burn Cleaner.

Ninfe Home soy wax produce less (almost none) black soot than other type of wax. This is as prerequisite of ouw natural wax.

4_A Better scent.

Because of the low temperature of a soy wax burning candle the oil fragrance is gradually released. Also, there a bigger amount of liquid in the wax pool wich helps to let the oil evaporate better into the air.

5_Soy Candle are Natural

Since the wax is made of a vegetable oil Ninfe Home candle are not toxic and they produce less soot comparate to a paraffin candle. The soot contain 11 toxins wich 2 of them are toxic for humans and pets. 


Are you really want still burn a paraffin candle?