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Best Scented Candles and Home Diffures Supply


This is our blog, We will talk about scented candle, reed diffuser evrythings related to the aromatherapy world. But also lifestlyle, home decor and many other things…

Recognize a quality scented candle.


The number of brands making candles out there is impressive but not all the candles are worth to buy it. Many brands sacrifice the quality in order to have higher profit. Let’s see together what are the criteria for a high quality scented candles that worth our money.

First of all We need to understand what are the main waxes used, their advantage and disadvantage.


Like the soy wax (which we talked a lot in previous posts!) other mineral wax are rapeseed wax, coconut wax, sunflower wax etc. These waxes are typically less refined and incline to meet the new green and eco-friendly standards. But please keep in mind that all the raw material used must come from ethical cultivation to respect the environment.


The most common animal wax is without doubts the bee wax. From an historical point of view bee wax is one of the oldest one, We have trace of beewax used since the Middle age. They are typically eco-friendly and no-toxic. This wax have a slightly honey smell when its burn which can be a problem for scented candles.


AKA paraffin wax. Out there are severl grade of paraffin, from the most refined to the cosmetic grade paraffin. The candles made by using the paraffin wax are usually very stable and allow a great scent throw. This appearance is smooth. The disadvantage with this candles is that is almost impossible to recognize if good or bad raw material has been used as they looks the same. Is quite cheap material so can be an advantage for producer. The problem is that, especially with low - grade paraffin wax, can be toxic for human and pets.


Also for the wicks  there are many type out there but today I will mention only the three most common ones: natural fibers, synthetic and “wooden” one.

Usually the natural wicks are made out of cotton fibers which are 100% eco-friendly. With cotton wicks you will avoid toxic fumes and they are more durable than the other two wiches helps for the longevity of your candle.

Synthetic wick are generally found on low-end candles. They can be toxic as this wicks are chemically treated. If the candle you bought is too cheap the chance that has a synthetic wick is higher.

Wooden wicks are also eco-friendly and they produce a clean burn which allow your candle to burn well. Sometime that makes that crackling noise typical of the burning wood that can be nice. The disadvantage with this type of wick is thay they burn too fast so means less hours to enjoy your favorite candle!


We could talk hours about  fragrances, so I will write a dedicate article in the future.

The fragrances for the candles are made more or less in the same way perfumes are made. They can be essential oils, perfume oils or a blend of both. The raw material used for the fragrances made all the difference! The price range can be very wide this is the reason We find on the market cheap or expensive candles in the same way exists cheap perfumes and expensive ones.

Here at Ninfe Home We only work with high qualified perfumers mainly from Grasse (France) and the U.K. Our close cooperation allow Us to launch every year new items and fragrances on the market, this is why every year We are choose by Our customer and the reason We cooperate with the best brands worldwide!
