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Best Scented Candles and Home Diffures Supply


This is our blog, We will talk about scented candle, reed diffuser evrythings related to the aromatherapy world. But also lifestlyle, home decor and many other things…

Filtering by Tag: candle addict

Come spegnere una candela senza l'ausilio di strumenti adatti.


Abbiamo gia’ fatto un post sugli strumenti necessari a che normalmente usano chi fa uso di candlede profumate abitualmente. Ma in questo post voglio dirvi come spegnere una candela nel migliore dei modi senza l’ausilio di quesgli strumenti.

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How to extinguish a scented candle without tools.


We have already made a post on the tools that normally are used by candle lovers. Today I am going to tell you the correct way to extinguish a scented candle if you don’t have any of these tools on the above picture.

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Recognize a quality scented candle.


The number of brands making candles out there is impressive but not all the candles are worth to buy it. Many brands sacrifice the quality in order to have higher profit. Let’s see together what are the criteria for a high quality scented candles that worth our money.

First of all We need to understand what are the main waxes used, their advantage and disadvantage.

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