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Best Scented Candles and Home Diffures Supply


This is our blog, We will talk about scented candle, reed diffuser evrythings related to the aromatherapy world. But also lifestlyle, home decor and many other things…

How to extinguish a scented candle without tools.


candles tools

We have already made a post on the tools that normally are used by candle lovers. Today I am going to tell you the correct way to extinguish a scented candle if you don’t have any of these tools on the above picture.

Step 1

Push the burning wick into the melting wax by using a toothpick or anithing can help to push the wick down without letting you burn. Do it quickly and once the flame is extinguished staight the wick up again. This is the suggested way if you don’t have the tools in your hands. Still many people blow off the flame which is uncorrect.

Step 2

After extinguishing the scented candle, trim the wick a little. If you don’t have the wick trimmer you can use ordinary scissor , it will be complicated a little due to shape of regular scissor but it can be done. Try to trim off the excess black parts. Because the wick is too long, it will make the candle burn incompletely and and produce black smoke while burning.

Step 3

If you find the wick is not very centered you can use a cotton swab, while the wax surface is still liquid, to move it back to the center of the vessel. This process will prevent the scented candle to burn unevnely,

Finally, if you have any question or doubts about your scented candles drop Us an email, We are glad to help!

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