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Best Scented Candles and Home Diffures Supply


This is our blog, We will talk about scented candle, reed diffuser evrythings related to the aromatherapy world. But also lifestlyle, home decor and many other things…

Recognize a quality scented candle.


The number of brands making candles out there is impressive but not all the candles are worth to buy it. Many brands sacrifice the quality in order to have higher profit. Let’s see together what are the criteria for a high quality scented candles that worth our money.

First of all We need to understand what are the main waxes used, their advantage and disadvantage.

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I 5 motivi per scegliere una candela di soia!


candela di soia
  1. La soia e’ una risorsa rinnovabile!

    Per chi non lo sapesse la cera di soia e’ ricavata dal fagiolo della soia che viene coltivato in molte parti del mondo. A differenza della paraffina che e’ uno scarto del pertrolio ed essendo raffinata puo’ rilasciare nell’atmosfera sostanze tossiche, quasi come fanno le auto. Esistono diversi gradi di paraffina ma spesso quella usata per le candele e’ la piu’ economica ed e’ decisamente piu’ economica di altre tipologie di cera come la soia o cera d’api. E’ per questo che Ninfe Home usa solo cere di alta qualita’ e di origine vagetale per le nostre candele.

2. Dura di piu’!

Le candele di soia generalmente durano dal 20 al 30% in piu’ delle rispettive candele di paraffina. Perche’?

Semplice, la soia ha un punto di fusione inferiore, in poche parole brucia ad una temperatura inferiore e quindi piu’ lentamente. Ad esempio una nostra candela di soia da 200g puo’ durare fino a 45 ore. 20 in piu’ di una normale candela di paraffina.

3. Le candele di soia bruciano meglio!

Le candele di soia unite ad uno stoppino di qualita’ producono meno fuliggine. Questo e’ un prerequisito delle cere naturali.

4. Esalta le fragranze!

Grazie ad un punto di fusione inferiore dovuto dalla cera di soia la fragranza e’ rilasciata gradualmente. Inoltre, la maggiore presenza di cera liquida in superficie aiuto la fragranza ad evaporare meglio nel nostro ambiente.

5. Sono naturali!

Grazie ad una cera naturale le nostre candle non producno fuliggine che contiene almeno 11 tossine di cui 2 di queste possono essere tossiche par il nostri animali e per l’uomo.

Vuoi ancora comprare candele di paraffina?

Home Fragrance: a 5000 years history.



Home fragrances such as scented candles or scent diffusers are largely used now in our home. The high demand of these products in the last years make appear home fragrances relatively a new invention but the use of this fantastic products can be date back to 5000 years ago.

The first recorded uses fragrance as ritual to perfume the air was 3000BC in the Acient Egypt by using aromatic resins. However fragrances wasn’t only used for rituals but was very commos use to burn incense in many houses.


Fragrances wasn’t only used in Egypt but acient greek, Roma and China too. Mixture of resins ground plants were mixed with oils and used to treat illness. Hippocrates began prescribing fumigation and the use of scents to prevent diseases during this time. This practise still continue nowdays.

A precursor of the aromatherapy is the Egyptian chemistry Tapputi-Belatekallim. She can considered the first “nose” in the history of fragrances. She was used to distill and filter ingredients to extract scents.


During the centureis the new trades route brought from China and India new spices as well as new wood from the middle-east to the Mediterranean as resut that new fragrances developed during this time.

During the Middle Ages in Europe the demand of prefumed oils used for religous enviroment highly increased but it become commos uses fragrance to perfume bodies as well.

The 11th century Crusades ignited a fragrance renaissance in Medieval Europe when knights returned with bottles of rose water and new techniques to make perfume stolen from the invaded territories .


During the medieval was the norm to carry portable scent to “sterilize” the air around you and ward off inection. In fact, alchol based scent were first popularised in Medieval Italy where a 95% proof heavily scented clear liquid was created from distillation vapours. This water called aqua mirabilus (marvellous water), led to liquid perfumes replacing solid variations and saw Italy become the centre of the perfume industry for centuries.

In the 1800’s the discovery of syinthetic oils make fragrances more affordable and the uses of perfume through the invention of designer as Guerlain and later on Chanel. that tranformed the industry into what we know today.

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Home fragrances began slowly popular (despite being invented first) and during mid-20th syntethic air freshner were (and are!) everywhere firstly designed to cover bad odours in houses.


Christmas is coming! 6 tips to save your holiday!


Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, festive candles, festive fragrances


Christmas is just around the corner and there's no need to wait any longer and starts the festive shop!

Of course, sometimes it can be stressfull especially when you are struggling with the ideas and the time left is running out. If you ever been in a mall these days you will surely tell yourself "i need to start earlier next year!".

In this post i want to share with you some basic advice that can really help to organise your holiday (with a tip at the end that can literally save up your Xmas!)



Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, festive candles, festive fragrances, scented candle, candle private label

Before you go anywhere to shop create a list with all names of family members, friends, colleagues who you want to buy a gift for. For each person write down a few ideas of gifts. Do not go out without a list or you will back home in the evening only with a pizza and the awareness of having wasted the day. Terrible.


Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, festive candles, festive fragrances, scented candle,  chinese candles, candle supply, fragrances candle, china candle supply, candle brand

You have two choises: making out a budget for each person on that list or a total budget for all the presents this year. Of course, it's important you work out on budget you can afford. So, if you want to spend more for your loved one try to save up for gifts to your friends or colleagues. Going cheap it doesn't necessarily means buying something bad. You might also consider something crafty homemade, try to be creative!


Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, festive candles, festive fragrances, scented candle,  chinese candles, candle supply, fragrances candle, china candle supply, candle brand, ninfe home candle

Well, you can go to malls if you want buy standardise things but if you decide to be original and if really want to surprise your loved ones so you have to go buy local! Try to find indipendent stores or small business in your city and soon you will realize how many beautiful things they have! I am sure the owner will be happy to help you thinking a gift ad-hoc for your needs! Indipendents retailers are also found online where often have discounted products or promotions!


Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, festive candles, festive fragrances, scented candle,  chinese candles, candle supply, fragrances candle, candle maker, handmade candle, dyd candle, soya candle, chinese soya candles

Sometimes the wrapping paper could be more important than the present itself! You don't really want to use that old newspaper to wrap all your gifts, do you? Again, try to be creative and do not forget to write the name of who is going to get that gift and a little message, it's always appreciate it!


Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, festive candles, festive fragrances, scented candle,  chinese candles, candle supply, fragrances candle, candle maker, handmade candle, dyd candle, soya candle, chinese soya candles, soy candle

It's Christmas, it comes only once a year! Make you home feel festive with dazzling decorations and themed interior ideas. I dont mean you have to recreat the Santa's village in your living room but the choise of a beautiful Christmas tree, lights and lanterns, Christmas scented candles and diffusers and all sort of decorative accessories belive me, make all the difference!


Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, candle di natale, bougee parfuee, vela perfumada, fornitori candele profumate, candle lover,

Get candles for everyone!

Seriously, think about it. Fragrances as perfume are too personal but candles and home diffusers can suit difference ambient and there are fragrances of all kinds and all tastes. There are masculine fragrances, woody, citrus, floral and so on. Festive fragrances are also a good idea. Fir, cinnamon, apple, pumpkin they are all evocative fragrances and light it up next to the tree it completely change the atmosphere in you house!

These simples rules to follow can pretty much save your holiday, but do not forget that the best thing and the spirit of Christmas is enjoy the time with your loved ones!

Ah, let me know if there is anything in particular about planning a sensational christmas you would like to share!


Happy Christmas!


Christmas candles, xmas candle, holiday, festive candles, festive fragrances, scented candle,  chinese candles, candle supply, fragrances candle, candle maker, handmade candle, dyd candle, soya candle, chinese soya candles