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Best Scented Candles and Home Diffures Supply


This is our blog, We will talk about scented candle, reed diffuser evrythings related to the aromatherapy world. But also lifestlyle, home decor and many other things…

Fragranze per Ogni Ambiente delle Tua Casa!


There is no a specific rule and people put their candles where they prefer according to their taste and enviroment. We all agreed that there are some fragrances that works well when We need to relax or focus for istance.

Here is it our suggestion to what is the most suitable scent for different enviroment:

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Suggested Fragrances for different Enviroments!


There is no a specific rule and people put their candles where they prefer according to their taste and enviroment. We all agreed that there are some fragrances that works well when We need to relax or focus for istance.

Here is it our suggestion to what is the most suitable scent for different enviroment:

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3 Fragranze che ti Miglioreranno il Sonno


Sin dall’antico Eggitto le persone usano le fragranze per dormire meglio. Se in passato questa pratica era relegata alla nobilta’ oggiquesta pratica e’ di uso comune e tutti possono permettersi oli ed essenze.

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Fragrances to Help you Sleep Well


Since the acient Egypt, people used fragrances in order to sleep better. If in the past only exponents of the upper class can afford buy expensive oils now literally everyone can have what ceturies ago was a luxury.

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